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Collective Fallout Magazine

Collective Fallout is a literary magazine dedicated to queer-themed sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mystery and other speculative short fiction and poetry. It is a print journal, published twice a year.
The Collective Fallout blog is where readers will find editorial content, and is where readers are encouraged to comment on and reply to the print journal.
We welcome submissions for our second issue.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Submission Deadline

The deadline for submissions to be considered for our premier issue is December 1, 2008. Any submissions received after this date will be held for consideration for our second issue. Please consult the complete submission guidelines below.

-the editors

Friday, July 4, 2008

From the Editors

To our readers and writers:

We hope what you find here opens your minds and makes you think about what queer literature means to our culture. It is not just entertainment. It is a teacher and a tool. It is a statement of past, present, and future.

We look forward to reading your submissions.